Thursday 27 June 2013


Still looking for an awesome bookstore? There is only one place to go, Bookdepository. You're have may heard of this place, or not, but I can assure you that this is the place to go. I'll order all my books from here and I'll do the same in future. One of the many wonderful reasons I love Bookdepository, is that the shipping doesn't cost you a single penny. This is a high advantage for those who lives far away from the UK. The second thing that makes this site perfect, is the HUGE selection of different books.
   I recently bought few books, and after they had dispatched 24 hours later, it only took TWO DAYS to arrive! And keep in mind that I live in Finland, pretty far away from the UK and I also live in a place where the mail doesn't run so fast. But regardless of all these minor makers, they still arrived after 48 hours, damn that's faster than if I would buy something from an online shop in Finland.
   And what comes to the book haul, I'll write about it after all the books have arrived, the second last book of my shopping list dispatched today and the last one will dispatch in few days.

Link to the Bookdepository:


Wednesday 26 June 2013

Mid-Summer feelings

Greetings. Today was the hottest day of the summer, over 30 degrees! (90F) I was sweating the whole day but thank god I decided to have a relaxing moment in the lake nearby. I'm visiting my girlfriend at this moment and I'm plannig to stay here a while. There is also coming a book haul blog in early july whenever my books arrive :)
Keep in mind that if you have some good books in mind, make sure to comment and tell your opinion, and I'll get it and write to my blog about it.


Tuesday 25 June 2013

Deepest Welcome

Alright, here is my first post even thought it isn't going to be much. Naturally I don't have many followers yet, but I hope that'll change soon, or at least over the time. I'll post every major things that are going on in my life and of course, the progress of my novel. I'm not writing anything large yet due the lack of readers but right away when I get at least few readers, I'll start writing much deeply and widely. That's all I want to say now.
